采用RNA体内转染试剂EntransterTM– in vivo发表的文献,研究方向包括大脑、神经、脊髓、眼睛、鼻、口腔、心脏、支气管、肺部、胃、胰、肝脏、肠、骨、肌肉、肾脏、膀胱、乳腺、生殖系统、胸膜、免疫系统、皮肤等各个方面。欢迎大家阅览与交流。
序号 |
研究方向 |
实验材料 |
文章题目 |
期刊 |
大脑 |
1 |
大脑皮层 |
miRNA mimic and inhibitor |
Experimental Neurology |
2 |
大脑(阿尔兹 海默症) |
miRNA |
Neuropharmacology |
3 |
大脑海马 |
shRNA |
Journal of Neuroinflammation |
4 |
大脑海马 |
siRNA |
Cell Cycle |
5 |
血脑屏障 |
siRNA |
Semaphorin 3A Contributes to Secondary Blood–Brain Barrier Damage After Traumatic Brain Injury |
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience |
6 |
脑缺血损伤 |
agomiRNA |
miR‑183‑5p attenuates cerebral ischemia injury by negatively regulating PTEN |
Molecular Medicine REPORTS |
7 |
脑缺血损伤 |
miRNA agomir |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications |
8 |
脑损伤 |
miRNA inhibitor |
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology |
9 |
脑水肿 |
dsRNA |
10 |
大脑神经 |
siRNA |
Cell Death and Disease |
11 |
大脑神经 |
miRNA |
miR-21 regulates ischemic neuronal injury via the p53/Bcl-2/Bax signaling pathway |
神经 |
1 |
背根神经 |
shRNA |
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
2 |
周围神经 |
siRNA |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications |
脊髓 |
1 |
自身免疫性脑脊髓炎 |
miRNA |
Journal of Translational Medicine |
2 |
创伤性 脊髓损伤 |
siRNA |
BioFactors |
眼睛 |
1 |
角膜 |
siRNA |
CD25 siRNA induces Treg/Th1 cytokine expression in rat corneal transplantation models |
Experimental Eye Research |
2 |
视网膜 |
miRNA mimic |
Cellular Signalling |
鼻 |
1 |
鼻炎 |
miRNA mimic |
MicroRNA-182-5p relieves murine allergic rhinitis via TLR4/NF-κB pathway |
Open Medicine |
1 |
口腔鳞状 细胞癌 |
siRNA |
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy |
心脏 |
1 |
心力衰竭 |
miRNA |
2 |
心肌缺血 |
miRNA |
Inflammation |
3 |
心肌损伤 |
siRNA |
Role of high‐mobility group B1 in myocardial injury induced by coronary microembolization in rats |
J Cell Biochem
4 |
病毒性心肌炎 |
shRNA |
BMC Infectious Diseases |
支气管 |
1 |
支气管 (哮喘) |
miRNA |
Int Arch Allergy Immunol |
2 |
支气管 (哮喘) |
miRNA |
Interference of miR-943-3p with secreted frizzled-related proteins4 |
Cell and Tissue Research |
肺部 |
1 |
肺纤维化 |
Transforming growth factor miR-133a inhibits myofibroblast differentiation and pulmonary fibrosis |
Cell Death and Disease |
2 |
肺泡出血 |
miRNA antagomir |
In Vivo Therapeutic Success of MicroRNA-155 Antagomir in a Mouse Model of Lupus Alveolar Hemorrhage |
3 |
肺癌 |
miRNA |
ENTPD5 Induces Apoptosis in Lung Cancer Cells via Regulating Caspase 3 Expression |
4 |
肺损伤 |
siRNA |
LPS-induced vein endothelial cell injury and acute lung injury have Btk and |
International Immunopharmacology
5 |
急性肺损伤 |
siRNA |
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy |
6 |
肺动脉高压 |
shRNA |
LncRNA Tug1 involves in the pulmonary vascular remodeling in mice with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension via the microRNA-374c-mediated Foxc1 |
Life Sciences
胃 |
1 |
胃癌 |
siRNA |
Theranostics |
2 |
胃酸分泌 |
siRNA |
The British Pharmacological Society |
胰腺 |
1 |
胰腺 (糖尿病) |
circRNA |
Theranostics |
肝脏 |
1 |
肝脏炎症 |
miRNA agomir |
Fine-tuning the expression of microRNA-155 controls acetaminophen-induced liver inflammation |
International Immunopharmacology |
2 |
肝损伤 |
siRNA |
The British Pharmacological Society |
3 |
乙型肝炎 |
siRNA |
4 |
肝 |
siRNA |
Inactivation of NF-κB2 |
Nature Communications |
5 |
肝癌 |
siRNA |
6 |
急性肝衰竭 |
RNA mimics |
Molecular Medicine REPORTS |
7 |
非酒精性 脂肪肝 |
siRNA |
Free Radical Biology and Medicine |
肠 |
1 |
结直肠 |
miRNA mimic |
Cancer Letters |
2 |
结直肠 |
siRNA |
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research |
3 |
结肠 |
siRNA |
European Journal of Pharmacology |
4 |
肠道 |
siRNA |
Redox Biology |
骨 |
1 |
软骨肉瘤 |
siRNA |
Am J Cancer Res |
2 |
骨形成 |
miRNA |
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology |
3 |
骨质疏松 |
shRNA |
Bioscience Reports |
4 |
骨坏死 |
siRNA |
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research |
5 |
骨关节炎 |
miRNA mimic |
Upregulation of miR-98 Inhibits Apoptosis in Cartilage Cells in Osteoarthritis |
肌肉 |
1 |
肌肉增殖 |
circRNA |
Cell Death & Disease |
2 |
骨骼肌萎缩 |
miRNA |
Med Sci Monit |
3 |
肌肉生成 |
siRNA |
HMGB2 Regulates Satellite Cell-Mediated Skeletal Muscle Regeneration via IGF2BP2 |
Journal of Cell Science |
肾脏 |
1 |
肾纤维化 |
miRNA |
Stem Cell Research & Therapy |
2 |
肾细胞癌 |
siRNA |
Cell Cycle |
3 |
肾炎 |
miRNA agomir |
Arthritis & Rheumatology |
4 |
肾损伤 |
miRNA |
Bioengineered |
1 |
膀胱癌 |
siRNA |
Autophagy promotes oncolysis of an adenovirus expressing apoptin in human bladder cancer models |
Investigational New Drugs |
乳腺 |
1 |
乳腺癌 |
miRNA inhibitor |
ZLM‑7 inhibits the occurrence and angiogenesis of breast cancer through miR‑212‑3p/Sp1/VEGFA signal |
Molecular Medicine |
2 |
乳腺癌 |
shRNA |
BMC Infectious Diseases |
生殖系统 |
1 |
卵巢癌 |
shRNA |
Cancer Gene Therapy |
2 |
睾丸生殖 细胞肿瘤 |
miRNA antagomir |
Cell Death and Disease |
1 |
腹膜纤维化 |
miRNA inhibitor |
The FASEB Journal |
免疫系统 |
1 |
红斑狼疮 |
miRNA |
Experimental immunology |
2 |
肥大细胞 荨麻疹 |
siRNA |
Int Arch Allergy Immunol |
3 |
自身免疫性 脑脊髓炎 |
miRNA |
Journal of Translational Medicine |
皮肤 |
1 |
疤痕 |
miRNA |
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology |
动物 |
1 |
七鳃鳗 |
miRNA mimics, inhibitor |
2 |
海参 |
dsRNA |
Frontiers in Genetics |
3 |
鸡胚 |
siRNA |
Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acids |
4 |
飞蝗 |
miRNA |
The Company of Biologists Ltd |
5 |
幼蟹 |
siRNA |
Molecular characteristics and abundance of insulin-like androgenic gland hormone and effects of RNA interference in Eriocheir sinensis |
Animal Reproduction Science |
6 |
半滑舌鳎鱼 |
siRNA |
Developmental and Comparative Immunology |
7 |
猪 |
siRNA |
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics |